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Parish Education: Learn and Grow Together

At our church, we take pride in our Parish Education program. We offer Sunday School classes for children to learn about the Bible and our faith, as well as preparation for their First Communion and Confirmation. Our experienced educators provide a nurturing and supportive environment for children to develop their spiritual identity and understanding.

Sunday School

Sunday School is open throughout the year for children aged pre-school through 6th grade. Sunday School coincides with the 9:30am Divine Service. Children begin in church and are dismissed for their classes following the readings.

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First Communion

This class is typically for students in 6th grade and will begin on January 9, 2024. Classes will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm and run through Holy Week (9 sessions). Students are given an introduction to the Small Catechism, combined with a Biblical understanding of the faith, in preparation to receive communion for the first time on the Sunday after Easter (April 7, 2024). All classes are taught by Pastor Noack. Please register by January 3. Parents are asked to attend the first and the last class (January 9 and March 19) See the schedule here.



This class takes a deeper look at the Catechism and the Biblical narrative surrounding each of the six chief parts. This class is typically for 7th and 8th grade students. The course of this program runs from September through April.

Bible Lessons


48 Greene Avenue

Sayville, NY 11782


Church Office: 631-589-3202




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Monday-Friday: 9:30am-1:30pm



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